The Bride's Parents

Dr. Heidi V. Doncillo-Centenera
Mother of the Bride
Currently residing in Las Vegas, USA, she is a teacher by profession both for the young and the old alike. In the early days of her career, she worked as a public school teacher in Talamban and Siraw Elementary School. With two master's degree in Management and Guidance and Counseling, she later became the Guidance Counselor in the Tertiary Department of the University of the Philippines, Cebu College for twenty years. She had the privilege to be chosen as one of the US-AID funded diplomatic scholars and was sent to the US for a one-year enrichment training in San Francisco State University and in the Maxwell School of Management in Michigan. Upon her return to the Philippines, the university also granted her another scholarship for a doctoral's degree in Public Administration
A Ph.d. graduate in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines in Diliman she also served as one of the Consultants for the Cebu City Government engaging in environmental related projects. She also spearheaded several foreign funded researches from Australia and the Netherlands and has been sent to represent the university in several international seminars and conferences.
She used to teach graduate school subjects in Public Administration and Research for several universities in Cebu and was shortly the Director for Research at the University of Southern Philippines before she came to the US as a middle school teacher in Inglewood, Los Angeles. She eventually transferred to Las Vegas and is now working as a middle school teacher after her marriage with Mr. Gabriel Centenera.
As a mother she had been very supportive and caring to her daughter keeping close communication with her despite the distance. Wanting her daughter to be exposed to other places, she would sometimes take her to some of her travels. Once she took her along while attending a conference in Orlando Florida. A year ago she also took her to Las Vegas where she stayed there for eight months. And a few years back they went to Vancouver Canada to visit some relatives.

Mr. Gabriel B. Centenera
Stepfather of the Bride
A retired US Government employee and formerly having his own printing business, he is half German, half Spanish born in Philippine soil. His great grandfather was one of the men being sent by the king of Spain to manage several Spanish-owned properties in the Bicol region. Born of Spanish heritage in Naga City, he speaks fluent Spanish, English, Filipino and Bicolnon. He went to Ateneo College and came to the US at age 21, eventually gaining US citizenship after many years of residence. He had two children, Gabriel Jr. and Maria Carmen from his first wife.
Having a passion in dancing, he used to be a dance instructor for Argentinean Tango and other ballroom dances. He enjoys singing horseback riding and used to breed horses in his ranch in Costa Rica. He is also a certified gemologist.
As a stepfather he had been very kind and accommodating and treats Ivy like her own daughter. He was always eager and willing to show her stepdaughter all the nice places while she was in Las Vegas..
Mr. Generoso D. Doncillo
Father of the Bride
A Practical Arts teacher at Mabolo Elementary School and the Cebu Central School for more than twenty years, he teaches, gardening, carpentry, electricity, silk screen printing, wood lamination, marbling, lettering and drafting. Also one of the school's accredited Scout Masters, he supervise camping events, teaches first aid, wilderness survival and scouting skills to aspiring Boy's Scouts.
In his workplace, he was popular among his colleagues because he seldom turns down any favors such as fixing minor electrical problems in school to making the letter cutting for programs and setting up the sound system. He was a quiet worker and a dedicated teacher who sometimes works even on Saturdays even without pay.
being a "Papa's Girl," Ivy got her artistic enthusiasm from him. He was not only his father but his best friend and mentor. A man of few words but full of wisdom when he speaks, he taught her daughter to face the challenges of life and gave her the strength of character to overcome her limitations. He would always have the right answers for her daughter's most difficult questions.
Once, her daughter came to her crying from school after being teased by classmates about her eyes and her big glasses. Ivy asked him why from all the kids at school, why was she different and why God made her different.
And he said softly, "Because God knows that you will be able to handle being different from others and God never gives us something that we can't carry. God believes that you are strong and he always has a reason for everything. Maybe he wants you to be an inspiration to others so don't fail him. Just don't forget to pray to him always and you'll be fine."
He was both father and mother to Rex and Ivy during their mon's many years of absence as a scholar to the US and in UP Diliman. All throughout he had also been very supportive to his wife's endeavors while tending the kids left under his care.
As a father, she remembers him to be gentle but firm, patient and understanding. Ivy just graduated from College when he was diagnosed of cancer and was given just a few months to live after his operation. It was a total shock for the family.
She took care of him for nine agonizing months, seeing him in utter pain. Again, her faith almost crumbled questioning God. Why Lord of all people? On his deathbed his father himself answered this question with the same answer that she gave her years back as a child, "Because God knows you are strong and even if he is taking me away soon, he knows you will understand. We may never know his reasons but I have already accepted my fate and I'm just thankful for the short time that I've been given to be with you all" And he passed away peacefully on September 4, 1997, a few days before her birthday.
His life was indeed short but it was a life well-lived, as a father, as a husband, as a teacher and as a friend.